Thursday, March 22, 2012

Eating Out Tips

Here are some tips to help you with eating out!
  • Beware of salads! Although you would think a salad would be healthy, they are often not too healthy! If you do choose a salad, make sure to stay away from ranch, honey mustard, or other creamy dressings. Choose a fat free salad dressing. (I like balsamic vinaigrette.) Also be aware of what all is on the salad. Croutons, cheese, and other "extras" can make your points add up! A typical chef's salad is 8-11 points WITHOUT dressing!
  • Choose meats that are grilled or baked. Chicken and fish are your best options. A grilled chicken breast or fish fillet is about 3 points. Just make sure there are no creamy sauces on top!
  • Choose your side options wisely. Save French fries for a true craving, or order them and eat just a few! (A serving of fast food French fries is 10 (if not more) points!) Also, try to stay away from mashed potatoes, even though they are a favorite of mine! If you order a baked potato, hold the butter and sour cream. Vegetables are good choices if they are not cooked with butter or have a sauce on them. Check to see how the vegetables are prepared. Rice is an okay side if you aren't big on the veggies (like me). A cup of rice has about 5 points.
  • You don't have to make a happy plate! Restaurants give you huge portions! It's okay if you don't eat the whole thing. A serving of meat is only 3 ounces. That's about the size of the palm of your hand.
  • Drink water! Water is free (usually) and the best option! If you just can't drink water with your meal, choose unsweetened tea or a diet drink. Stay away from sodas (20 oz. of regular soda has a whopping 6 points!) or sweet tea (20 oz. for 5 points).  

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